Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Bloggers that love the Bath Luve!

It's been a great week for Bath Luve reviews -- thanks to all the bloggers for their great comments and photos. Here's a few excerpts and some adorable photos of happy babies enjoying their baths with their Bath Luves.

Sarah,, wrote "As a Registered Nurse who worked in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit I have to say this would be a must have for parents of preemies. Premature infants typically have a difficult time maintaining their temperature and this can make bath time a very miserable experience. By using the Bath Luve you are helping create a more 'womb like' experience for your baby, thus making bath time enjoyable."

Jessica,, wrote "I really wish I knew about this product so much sooner. It would have made those first time baths a little easier." (Just a note -- Bath Luve makes a perfect baby shower gift so first time baths can be soothing and less stressful for everyone!) Camilo's photos are featured on the right wearing the duck Bath Luve.

Lynette,, wrote (after using the Bath Luve for 8-month-old Genevieve) "I would love it if Bath Luve made these for adults, maybe not in the same patterns, but something to keep me covered and warm."

Joelle,, wrote "Aiden and I have never really had a struggle in the bath department. For the most part he has always been relatively content, but always cold at some point. I felt bad for the little guy because he was so tough and didn't know any better that being cold wasn't an acceptable fun bathtime experience. As he's aged he's started to show a more opinionated reaction to the chill that befalls him every bath time. I was delighted that such a product as Bath Luve existed because what a perfect and fun for Aiden to be able to stay warm." (Aiden's photos are on the left with (and without) the Fish Bath Luve. I love the first one without the Bath Luve -- it really tells the story of "before" Bath Luve bathing.)
Make sure to visit these great mombloggers & enjoy every single bathtime!

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